Hello World

Term most Computer Science Students must be familiar with

Birth Of "Hello World"

The first time I heard of "Hello World" was in class 8, when my teacher started the session of Computers by writing Hello World Program in Java. At that time it was only Java.. But who knew it would have a deeper impact on my mind. It was in college that I just used the word quite often.... Its not always about gathering surface knowledge for all things but sometimes it is more than that. I haven't counted the number of times I have used this word in programs, but it gave me some innate flair for learning new things

My friends(Amir Ahmad, Aman, Ankur, Abdullah and Tossef) always said that I only did it for surface knowledge but it wasn't the truth. The word itself proclaims that U are just trying to "Acknowledge the World". This word helped me to be curious about programming . Many a times my friends Called me "Hello World" but they never knew what is fun in learning things u dont know ......

Some of the languages that I tried to Learned are Japanese,Hebrew which I tried with Hello World. Saying Hello in 34 different languages is just awesome :::: Also tried to understand world through Hello world(glance) on psychology, philosphy, spacex....

Impact Of "Hello World"

Some Readings include "Harry Potter",Chetan Bhagat, all these books start with Preface...... that is life that needs to be understood..Everything starts with Hello World and ends with "The End".ie ... Kullu Nafsin Zaikatul Maut (Every Living Being needs to taste the Death).